Friday, November 30, 2018

Restarting this old thing... wow

Hi world, I'm picking up where I left off. Not sure why, but what I wanted was to type, and now I am doing it. Years have passed, and I have focused more on writing for El Nativo, and Facebook and my stories, and somehow, my own personal trip is left behind.

I am not certain that I want to report all that has happened. Although, in retrospective, looking a at this blog hs been helpful to me. It's like looking at segments of time and where my mind was. So, I realize when I write what I was thinking, I allow myself to introspect more deeply on the root cuases of my thoughts, and that helps to narrow my thinking to a far more logical ... congruent reality.

It's all magic. Feelings become thoughts. Thoughts become reality. And suddenly, we find ourselves watching the caravan that I predicted (invoked?) decades ago. But the result is not what it should be, open borders and brotherhood of man. Instead, stone-throwing and bullshit on all sides.

It's like my dreams of wold conquest were ralied by Trump and company and I was left behind to watch, as some kind of prophet of doom, how these things become real.

Perhaps they were alwasy just visions of stuff that is going to happen with or without me. I always saw myself in the middle of the action becuase... they were my visions, but I am not in the middle of the action. I watch the action on tv.

DId I miss out?If I did it probably happened back on 2012.

A trully mystical experience that never was. The psychadelic end of time that didn't happen.