As I post this, I listen to this:
RAW speaking about Jack Parsons and Alister Crowley. Very appropiate for 2021.. Especially if Agenda 21 is actually real... Which I have no doubt. Just look at Coronachan.
I have no idea what is next, now that mom is gone. I do know I wanna see dad before he dies, but he is actually quite the survivor, so he might be around another 10 years.
So, I am not working today. Might take the day off just to take the day off. Enjoy watching my niece sleep. She is quite pretty after all. Cats are sleeping, and I am full of mac-cheese breakfast and coffee. Hmm. I know. Irsh-Mexican Coffee. That's what I need.
I got my Irish-Mexican. Woa. So... What do I need to do?
The correct answer is "nothing". nowhere to go, nothing to do. I am here now, perfectly at peace with myself. Or... Am I? I have this curiuos thing. I saw it in my second toad trip. When I think I have it right, it's something else. In the profound seach for truth, one finds oneself without a bottom or a top. It's my love-affair with RAW and Crowley also. Never satisified with one system, or one name of God. I have prayed to all the Gods, and more than one demon, and the runes in my room make me dizzy just being there. Maybe I should take all of my DMT. Just somke it all until there is nothing left.
Tim Leary: "Gravity is the enemy, Leivty the salvation."
Yeah, Gravity. Earth? The lowliest element? So, fire (Sun) and water (Ocean) and then Crowley and the Prince of the Air. Why Prince?
The O.T.O and the Temple of Set behind 9-11?
Jack Parson's Sunchild the antichirst?
The end of the christian Aeon is the acutual begining of the Golden Age? And of course, China and the Communists are behind it all, like a perfect Magog to American Gog (Google). I think I need to go back and hide in Nagaloka and Lollipop City's Red District before the Zombie Apocalypse.
Is there such a thing as knowing too much?
Hare Krsna, fools. Lets hide a while in Brindavan. Eventually all Asuras AND Devas are consumed in Maha Pralaya.