Saturday, February 13, 2021

 First signs of a flu. Not a good show, and with all the Covid deaths, I must admit, I am about 15% concerned. The larger picture life and death are commodities that we have really no control over, so dying of wuhan flu is just... normal, like dying of the black plague. 

And then again, maybe it's just the flu.

Rasa had the bad idea of reading the tarot about the lawsuit. Came up with the Devil and Stregth, 7 of wands and one other card I don't remember. I warned her. But anyhow... who is the devil in all this? Mother? Andrea? 

Refri nuevo. Angel lo acaba de traer, algunos minutos antes de que tengo que trabajar. Los 500 del primer pago me los regreso y nos los gastamos a lo loco. Ta cabron. 

Pero estamos bien, Nanda, Rasa y yo. Sobrevivimos el apocalipsis por otro dia.