Shat myself today. AN amazing thing. Just a little lump of shit, down the crack of my ass, but enough to remind me that I'm human. Couldn't get the bathroom door opened. Spinter muscles not what they used to be. Very embarrassing, but it's good to get it out. Say it. I wonder how many 40 plus men have the same problem?
Anyhow...I'm still pretty sick. This cough I get.. It's getting the worst of me.
I gotta remind myself that I can't prevent nor change world events. I can only choose how I react to them on an individual basis. Stupid ass thing to remind myself, of course, but then again, I get the feeling, often, that I am in the eye of a hurricane.
If folks somewhere take serious some of my ideas for global change, that is really out of my hands. But not sharing these ideas would be cowardly. What are these ideas?
1. A border-less world NOW.
2. A transparent government - so transparent you can see your leader's ass-crack on live-cam 24/7.
3. An end to all so called 'consensual crimes' including but not limited to pot smoking and internet surfing. No victim, no crime.
4. (and this one was from my friend Gabriel, but makes a lot of sense: One Gold Coin system for the whole world.
5. A moving world-government HQ. Kinda like Starship Enterprize.
Reality bites. Maybe the world is not ready. Maybe I should stick to just blogging and shitting and pot-smoking. In fact, there is NOTHING I can do about what's going on. I can only watch. Violent movements will be destroyed by the most powerful. Peaceful movements don't seem to work. Iran is a clear example. What is there left?
Survival. Take care of your own and of the nearest and dearest to you. Somehow that too sounds ... cowardly.
Not to act is the same as acting against in some cases. Especially.... Oops. There's the tell-tale tounge up the crack. What's wrong with the above thought? Not to act? We act always. LIfe itself is an act. Simple breath puts you already there, in the zone. But how can we discern right action?
Say.. I wonder if the illuminati installed an ass-crack device on me. They would have to install also a mind-reading device to deffirenciate between 'good' and 'bad' thoughts. Hmmm. Not very likely. More of a psychosomatic effect. But that does mean that I have certain ... Oh, never mind. It's too complex to even consider.
Actually, the most logical explanation is that I'm TOTALLY FUCKING NUTS!
Lemme see:
1. I'm totally fucking nuts.
2. The world is more fucking nuts.
3. What do we need to do with that?
Find SANITY. But then, what exactly IS Sanity in a totally fucking nutty world?
We could start with truth. Now, this blog is an experiment in truth. My truth. A very, very, very, very personal, solitary truth. And yet, it is a shared truth. Blogging is act of sharing. Therefore, it is a solitary/collective truth.
So then.. The act of sanity would be to find similar cases to my own, that can be shared accordinly to compare notes.
Still. What a shitty day.
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