An old fashioned plantation house.
A family living there.
Little ghost girl (boy am I ever plagued by little ghost girls!) in a white dress above the knees with the puffy arms.
She had two pigs tails to each side of her head.
At the kitchen, she appears to a group of people and to me.
I tell them that I will follow her into the bedroom.
There, I grab her.
She starts to ask me to be born as my child.
Then, she transforms into a hideous goblin, right on my arms.
The same little girl appears behind us and drops a book on the bed where I'm holding the goblin down.
The book has a picture of her and under the picture a date: July 1817.
It is a leader cover and there are other two people with her in the picture.
The rest of the folks come into the room, crying: "Daemon in a Jar, Demon in a Jar".
I realize that a demon in ajar might very well think he is master of the universe.
But he is master only of the illusions inside the jar.
Furthermore, the only way to 'release' the demon in the jar..
Is to either open it or shatter it.
It is not surprising that Jinn are captured in bottles.
This story goes to all those Jarheads, fighting a 'holy war' for Mammon.
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