The title of this Blog is Robin Kaczmarczyks Log.
A log is usually a maritine tool captains use to record the events of a ships progress.
I record the events of my life. The ship is my body.
So, the important events are that my mom, niece and nephew have gone off to Mexico.
They will spend some time with their cousins.
Sis and her baby are upstairs, watching soaps.
And for a brief time, while nobody is here with me, I can write.
What words are worth comitting to the keyboard?
Fiction, mostly. Like the adventures of Agua, Hombre Lagarto.
But a log also seems appropiate.
Bloging Meditation.
My greatest interes, now that I dont have little kids and old ladies all over me...
Is to masturbate. It is a good and relaxing excercise of my lower functions.
My red chakras.
Kundalini and all that.
I look at the issue far simpler.
The penis is a muscle.
Muscles need exercise or they atrophy.
Oddly enough, sexual conduct is a mental habit.
Sex starts and ends in the head.
The penis is just the tool.
Bloging meditation.
Detoxifying my mind trough the keyboard.
Toxic mind patters can be observerd by re-reading the stupid ass things one writes.
Especially in fiction.
In a perfected state, writing becomes unecessary, I suspect.
Although Ganesh did write the Vedas.
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