Monday, July 15, 2019

So I am feeling a little better. Mom's health goes up and down, but we've found some clues as to what is causing her swings: there are emotional, cognitive and physical reasons. The physical is the use of cannabis and Haldol, which is kind of experimental but approved by the doctors at Fray Bernardino. In fact, I suspect mom has everything kind of clear somehow in one of her many personalities because although she claims to "forget" many things, her memory is surprisingly good. Her physical deterioration and the fact that she DOES lose complete control of her speech and cognitive functions makes it clear to me that we have to deal with very real medical issues. 

The lawsuit... Well, let's see how it works out. For the moment my sister is not paying rent, and that's about all the help I can offer, but I have a witches festival this weekend and I might make enough money to pay the taxes on the property, which is now important. 

So what's the plan?

1. Continue with my writing, music and tarot.
2. Fix the lawsuit for the hosue.
3. Get mom her medical situation clear.
4. Get mom her papers to come to the USA with me.

and the cherry on the pie: AYAHUASCA!!!!

Grandmother aya has given me this pause: "Rest, warrior..." to get my life in order and get back to work with her. That's the point. All the roads lead to Peru. But the way is long and the tasks in -between many. 

Inbetween. Once I have clarity of the path, the path opens. It is exactly this clarity that I was lacking from the moment I got on a planet to come back to Mexico from Oregon. The entire Kathleen episode was a learning curve to see myself working as a real ayahauasca shaman. The toad ceremony was the starting line, the call to battle in the spiritual realm. Forgetting everything was the first thing with the toad, including my own name and the name of Jesus Christ. Second was the Holy Spirit, getting me out of the non-attachment hell. Coming down to frienship and brother-hood. 

No bad trips, remember? 

Aya had even more profound messages: The Virgin Mary. THE VIRGIN MARY IN BLUE!

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