And off he went!
Kinda jealous.
I wouldn't mind getting paid to travel to Europe.
Oh, well. Time to smoke, eat and be merry-pipin.
Now that he's gone, I can focus on myself.
What do I need to do in LA besides?
Of course, first are my Longtale obligations.
Would not do to get owed for not doing anything!
I guess the pertinent question in February of 2010 is...
Do I REALLY want to liberate the USA from Mexico?
If I do, then I have to really think about how to 'gather' my infantry.
I should start this year.
Somebody sez: "Who Cares? Do you think I care?" ....
TO which I answer. The Afghans care. The Chinese care.
And of course, THE MEXICANS care.
National Security indeedy.
But in fact, we are in a world without nations.
We are in the New World Order.
The idea is to stop the fighting.
Starts with the War on Drugs.
How about a War on War?
I think it's been thought of before.
Its called "disarmament".
And the "Great Jihad"?
How goes my "Great Jihad"?
Here in L.A., I must admit, the Sodomites and their Gods seem to be winning.
In fact, religion itself seems pretty suspect to me.
But then, how tolerant are the Sodomites really?
How Chaotic are their Gods?
Sodom has popular support down to a SCIENCE.
The Old Gods... They have a serious PR problem.
The New God... He has a tolerance issue.
Atheist is just so ... WRONG.
But it's somehow better than ...
Deistic with Rules.
I'll stick to "Chaotic Good", thank you very much.
It's kinda "Deistic Without Rules".
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