Most folks don't question their reality.
They don't really worry about what it means to be human.
I do.
All the time.
For one, I know 'humans' set the world on a slow electric burn.
They also lit their engines, smoking us all out.
It would be so simple to learn how to love each other as children.
Instead, we learn how to kill each other as children.
Evident to anybody who is not 'attached' to ordinary humanity.
Very difficult to explain to humans who are 'attached' to their humanity.
What is remarkable is that children are a 'tabula rasa'.
A clear canvas. An empty notebook. A blank DVD.
They will be written upon with whatever behavior and thoughts they observe.
What do we show them?
Murder. Lack of empathy.
What would we LIKE to show them.
Love. Love-making. Harmony and Beauty!
Why don't we show them what we would like to show them?
Prejudice of various sorts. Totem and Taboo.
So, generation after generation of perfectly open minds...
Are closed.
What a waste! What a terrible waste!
And then, these 'closed' minds are sent on their merry way to keep ...
Burning the world. Murdering each other and murdering other species.
A pox on this species!
A pox on my race: the murderous humans!
Surely mice shall inherit the earth!
Mice are nice!
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