Mmmmkay.. Lemme see.
The Sufis are all about
and Beauty...
Here's beauty then.
I know it for a fact that Demons exist.
Met a few.
Therefore, it must also be true that Angels exist.
Which are which?
Let us consider the usual suspects:
Chango - usually brings good stuff. Angel?
Indra - Angel no doubt... Maybe it's Chango..
Thor - Well, maybe it's just Indra dressed as a Viking wot?
Lucifer (the morning star) - Well.. Demon, of course.
Cupid - Krsna kills this dude. Over and over..
Venus - 'She' is actually revered by the Romans and Greeks
Has anybody figured out why Jesus is also the Morning Star?
I'm telling you, those early Christians were up to no good.
They were probably cannibals! :)
So.. In a Pantheon so full of contradictory demons and angels...
What to do, what to do what to do?
Save Tibet!
Join the CIA.
And really my thing are dragons.
Serpents. Especially of the plumed variety.
One has to note carefully that the Ming Dynasty dragon..
Has feathers on her tail.
Now... The Bible is not very kind to dragons.
And really, as far as accessibility for the common man,
Jesus' message has no equal.
How can you beat the sermon on the mount?
But ol' JHVH in the Old Testament..
He's Jealous, Wrathful, Angry... Y'know. The works.
Makes mincemeat out of the poor Egyptians and their Pantheon.
Sounds more like a Jewish Politician than an almighty
Creator of Mankind.
Don't much care for Gays either.
Jesus was not about that.
Or maybe he was.
Maybe I'm still full of shit.
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