9:57 a.m.
Sunset Blvd. office of Longtale LLC.
So... What is there left to say? I was looking for a picture of Rasasthali and all I found on google is this.. Weird. Rahda is not Rasasthali, so something's up on google. I used to get the 'rasasthali' picture without trouble. Talk about mindless algorhytms.
I feel quite peaceful. Last night I was actually considering staying in L.A. for a while longer. After all, it's easier to get around in L.A. than in Valle because I have all the anemnities here. And I don't have to worry about running back to see the infamous SS so I don't loose my little disability check.
Also, there is something troubling about how the money was spent in Valle. I felt ... something was wrong. The expenditures were too desperate and quick. Paying debts, surely, but.. why so many debts!?
Matters not.
What does matter?
The day-to-day joy and tenderness of each human interaction. For the moment, I get that from baby-sister Sasha. She is a total square. Dresses like a square. DOn't smoke dope. Drinks a little, thank the Gods. But you can sense her conservatism from a mile away. It's dad's fault. He never told her about uncle Roy. Don't surprise me. He wants to keep her innocent and sweet. Not like me, huh?
But she is tender, and sweet and ... oddly innocent! Quite a refreshment from Valle and my diabolic buncha kids.
How can I cure my terrible tendency to destroy innocence? Oh, well...
Work and money: I feel needful to get back into a work-style. Sadly, all my favorite pet-projects would cost more than offer a profit, so I will go back to doing what was most profitable and congruent spiritually for me: Tarot.
Perhaps reading the Tarot is my destiny.
The Bible and Koran: although the prophecies thereof seem to be rapidly coming to pass, I will not bow to either for moral guidance, except for the sole true admonition of Jesus Christ: the Golden Rule.
The reason is simple: under the moral guidance of both Bible and Koran, the world seems at the border of a senseless and fratricidal global Crusade/Jihad. I will simply not take sides on this conflict. Perhaps this is the reason the Archangel Lucifer revealed himself to me as my Guardian Angel. Perhaps in the whole fabric of things, taking sides for either Islam or Christianity is loosing the basic humanity of Christ's original purpose, and therefore his original Kingdom. So rude awakening for me will be that I am wrong and that by neither embracing Islam or Christianity I am guaranteeing myself a corner of hell somewhere, but my guts tell me I am right, and that both these great religions have been adulterated by man, cooked in the highest form of satanic intolerance and hatred and basically, self-fulfilling as prophecies, for the sake of some unfathomable joke of the "Creator".
As for Christ...
Well, my mind tells me that he is none other than Krsna is some Jewish incarnation. Hence the 'father', 'son' and 'Holy-Spirit' are none other than Brahma, Visnu and Siva. If Siva is the 'Holy-Spirit'... are we all in trouble? Certainly I am!
The general opinion of wise-men from India is that in Kali-Yuga the best diety to worship is Kali. The most pleasing form of Kali I could find was La Virgen de Guadalupe, who is somewhere between Kali and Yasoda, but serves as a Mother-Goddess. If serving the Father has brought us to the brink of World War III, serving the Mother seems like a logical antidote.
Perhaps I am wrong about all this stuff. Perhaps, my deepest heart is agnostic. But whenever I pray to Krsna, Sri-Nrsimhadeva and even Kristos, I get answered rather rapidly. So, how can I in all honesty be agnostic?
I am deistic. My favorite form of God(that form which sings to me as most poetic and congruent with my personality) is none other than Kukulkan. Would I give a Plummed Serpent my heart in Holy Sacrifice? Sure. Why not?
Is that what is recommended by Tonantzin? No... Not at all. In fact, true Guadalupanos know that Tonantzin came to Juan Diego to end human sacrifice. Are Tonantzin and La Santissima one in the same? Undoubtedly. Is la Santissima Kali? Undboutedly. Does prayer work? Undoubtedly.
Where does my Zen training come in to this whole picture?
Well, for one, a real Zen monk would not be worried about writing all this shit down in a blog. For another, Zen monks don't really smoke dope or eat Peyote. Finally, my buddy Buddha Bob, who I do consider a real Zen Monk told me that my thing was not Zen, but Shaman! Therefore, I consider myself a Sham-man, or better yet, a Troll Shaman, since my shamanism is mostly confined to Trolling around the Internet and smoking a whole lot of weed. Mushrooms, Peyote, Ayahuasca and acids are... for special occasions. But the bulk of the spiritual work is weed. Santa Maria Juana.
Anyhow.. Nuff said.
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