First of all, undoubtedly, George is not dead.
Such an important asset to the Security Agencies is not likely to be lost.
Second of all...
I hope you are doing well, George.
I lost the little bag you gave me, but I gave my sister the coin.
It was worth a try, although, if I am not mistaken,
I struck a deal previous for the same prize.
The problem with selling souls, George, is that they are never really ours.
If you understand 'soul' to be a Jiva, you recognize that whatever deals,
bargains, contracts, agreements, you might enter into for a soul...
They are null and void the moment the soul returns to it's origin.
We once had a conversation about 'soul' eaters.
Yeah, well, it's more like soul 'leasers' or soul 'renters'.
Eternity is just a few Yugas long eh?
Problem with Blavatsky, Crowley and the whole bunch of Asuras (peace be upon them)...
Is ignorance.
And if I remember correctly, somewhere in the Bible is stated, beyond any reasonable doubt: "The Truth Shall Set You Free".
I don't suppose you will be forthcoming with the truth any time soon.
So, I'll be happy to meet you in Chicago, 11,11,2012.
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