The problem with psychedelics in large quantities is that you are really never sure if you are just fucking nuts or if things around you have really gone nuts. Usually it's a 50/50 combination of both things.
Some irrefutable facts about psychedelics.
1. The so called 'War on Drugs' is a DEA/Mafia operation to make lots of money at the cost of the lives of a few fools. That makes the Police and the Mob one in the same. It's all about the control, baby.
2. Psychedelics open your mind to new and interesting ideas.
3. Tripping 'hard' has to do with dying - with letting go. If this is not understood by the tripper, then they might find themselves dying anyhow.
Nuff said about that.
Sobriety is okay, but I don't really recommend it for such a fucked up world. I mean.. They are killing Afghans using our tax money to do it! How can you remain sober in such a world?
That's just it. We are living World War III (or 5 or 12 or 246) and nobody seems to give a rat's ass. What happened to the street demonstrations? What happened to the Veterans Against the War? What happened... To China?
Does anybody remember the opium wars? I'm off the Icke and Alex Jones websites for a while, but after the 11th, I'm back. Call it 'taking a break'. Saturating my mind with too much info is no good. It makes me irritable. A break is good...
But I can't get this feeling in my head and mind that something is bad wrong. My entire body is .. wired somehow.. to.. I mean, it sounds paranoid, right? But cops can hear my thoughts a mile away! WTF?
Who polices the 'secret masters'? Oh, yeah, the same ones Hitler spoke about, for sure! Perhaps they are beyond any law, even the laws of time and space. The spirit masters serve potency beyond MY comprehension.
Which leads me back to the great question... What am I?
The profound answer, as given by my buddy the Hypnotist Samuel Joshua Marcus is: I am that I am. But lets take that down a few notches... Lets start with my body. I have a 'body', inside the body a mind. How the body and the mind interact with other bodies and minds reminds me that 'I' exist separate but also not separate from them. I shit, I eat, I bleed, I sleep. I am human. What is beyond this 'human' ... Does something remain after the vehicle is gone?
In Ayahuasca, Peyote and Mushroom trips one has glimpses of the interconectedness of all things. In fact, with Aya, there is a clear vision of the 'nothingness' of somethingness. For instance, there is no such thing as a penis or a leg or an eye during a trip. And yet, the mental construct 'penis' might very well appear as a part of the tapestry that is woven into the all-ness.
Good tea. I strongly recommend it.
India. China. The internet.
Folks in high places playing power games when it could all end like.. so much easier.
Old Louie in Clearwater told me he was much more afraid of some hacker in Tampa or Minneapolis destroying the world than the Chinese or American governements. What ol' Louie did not consider is that the technology to destroy the world was not built by the hacker. The governments have the means and the menpower to de-activate all these systems. Therefore, the problem is not the disenfranchised hacker himself, but the governments that make him Lord Siva by their greed and lack of vision.
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