Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Just reset my computer and lost all my bookmarks.

Waking up to the fact that I lost my bookmarks. Shitty. Very shitty. Oh, well, life goes on, and so does this blog.

I have many unfinished writing projects, but the problem I have is that folks don't read any more. So what to do?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Money is still the name of the game

My old man falls asleep various times during the day. It's a profound sleep that lasts only a few minutes, but sometimes half hour or more. He is still out there, in Hollywood, trying to make his next million dollars. He made it twice before, and now, at 73 years of age, he feels he can do it once more. Twice made a million dollars, twice lost it.  His apartment is a mess of guitars, books, magazines, and gizmos. He is buried in his own wealth. A weird experience to pass with him, because he is intelligent enough to see the dilemma but unwilling to cede it to loosing his property. Too many things and too small a space. And those things are all "essential" to him. His materialistic armor, defending him from poverty?

And me? Am I a pack rat? Probably. I like my things, and I like to keep them even when it's not practical. All I really need is ash and cow shit to be happy?

Cow shit.

Bull shit.

It's what makes most sense in all the world. Mushrooms grow on it, and you can burn it, and you can use it to plant fun things like marihuana and salvia and ayahuasca.

I should be writting some "pontificados", but what do I have to say really?

It's been a while since I've written in this log

Sometimes it's just about putting one word in front of the next. Writer's write. So, why haven't I been writing? Or have I? In fact, writing is kind of a mediation for me. It makes me experience the immediacy of words, the power of words.

I could bore you (whoever you are) with facts and figures about the last few months... years since I've visited this log. But in fact, you can just as easy watch it all on my video blog on youtube, which is under my channel, which is simply my name.

The question of "what to write" ..

Hard to do in a busy office.