Sunday, January 6, 2019

So, here I am again, trying to figure out what's going on. It occurs to me that this place is perfect for a kind of "project control" over the years. There's lots going on... 
  • Trying to round up an Ayahuasca Ceremony for the blood moon at the volcanoes. I am not being very successful, as I have only one person willing to desposit the 50 dollars necessary for me to actually get the medicine.
  • I am going to do another kickstarter project with Johnston Blackhorse. This time, I am going to let him lead the video and stuff. 
  • I wanna do a fundadora project for financing Popocatepetl as a indie-film.
  • Obviously, getting back the house for sis and her kids is priority no. 1, but it actually depends on stuff I am not really in charge of, such as cleaning it. Uff.
  • Various writing projects continue: the SIMS series, Kukumbali, Pedo and others.
I'll think of more stuff as it comes. For the moment, Adrenalina, Wallace and the Witches, and of course, going to San Pedro in February to see Sasha and Dad. 

Good things are coming this year.. I can feel it.