Saturday, June 29, 2019

Last night, the terror of our noisy neighbors came back. Stupid Mexican music until 4 a.m. We woke up at 10, angry. Mom invited Angel to smoke some weed, since before the party, last night, Ray came over and helped us with some weed to help mom make it through the week. I wanna get back to work on scripts. I also need to focus on getting an agent in Hollywood to sell my stuff.

So I a lot of stuff going on... Let's analyze:

  1. Mom's interdiction. 
    1. Dad's birth certificate
    2. Mom's declaration with police
  2. My ayahuasca practice - this is actually the key to our new world order.
  3. My tarot
  4. My books and screenplays
  5. A store?
  6. Mom and I going to USA - Embassy
  7. Nanda's school
  8. Going to USA to do my SS shit
So, this is my plan.. my grand opus. But is it?

Friday, June 28, 2019

Writers write. I am not entirely certain why I haven't been able to work on the myriad of projects that I have cooking, but somehow, I found my old blog again, and it gives me at least a little comfort being able to work my thoughts here, as a kind of memory-lane. 

My principal concern is the huge lawsuit which mom caused by selling her house to our neighbor for a fraction of the cost. I have been obliged to declare her incompetent legally, and that is a huge thing, because it puts me in a position to be her legal guardian, and I and the law have a very fractured relationship for a number of years, ever since I tried to hang myself from the CNN building in Sunset Blvd. back in 2001. Of course, I am a lot calmer now, but I just don't know how to handle so much legal stuff, and I count primarily on the help of my family, my aunt QK and my uncle Pin. It's kinda weird.

I am living in Iztapalapa. I rent an apartment for 4000 pesos (around 200 dollars) a month. My nephew lives with me to help me with his grandma (mom) and go to school. He's ok but very hermetic. I see little of him, and he spends most of his time in his room, playing on his computer. Mom is ok but after the last crisis (when I was in Oregon), she is not the same. She lost something. It's like she's not the same person, nor will she ever be. 

Money is always tight, and I haven't been working very much. A client here and there, but nothing firm. I have my show with Adrenalina Radio once a week to keep me sane, on the road of having an occupation, but there is no money there, just work. 

The here and now. How it's changed over the years! Valle de Bravo is now under my sister's care, and she has 4 dogs and very little interest in cleaning up the house to my standards. 

Writing helps. Like Nabrovok, Poe or Lovecraft, it does nothing to better my life economically, but it does a great deal to exorcise my own demons. 

Well... Here we go. I found this blog and I am still active. Cool. Talk later.