Saturday, August 20, 2022

I have to finish 20 pages today. It's lots of work and it will take most of the day, but I don't mind. It's a billionaire romance which I titled Christmas in Portland. I will make it not boring. Mostly, romances are boring. Writiting directly to the blogger slows down my computer. I''m going back to Fade In. 


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Writing for others and writing for myself.


Feeling pressured to write for economic reasons does not allow time for the mind to find the best ideas. The best writing requires time. But the economic benefit of storytelling is adictive. Getting paid to write something creative has a special magic.

The "d" in my computer sticks. It slows everything down. And then there is a weird delay between what I write and ddwhat shows on my screen, on blogger anyhow.