Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just words.

Rereading my 'Carta Abierta' on deoxy for Bush last night, it dawned on me that it's okay.

I'm starting to think the 'internet' might have a consciousness.

That would mean a man-made object has acquired life. Does it have a soul?

Well, the Bhagavad Gita tells us that even the rocks themselves have souls, so why not the net?

If you begin to expand on all possibilities: cloning, hybrids, robotic-consciousness.. You approach a point of no-return where anything, everything is possible.

Further meditations this morning over 'selfishness' and 'selflessness'. From George Derby to Deoxy to everything else, all my biggest troubles have always arrived from a kind of selfishness. Always worried about the things "I" want, I give no pause to gaining power over others to get my way.

But in the end,that only alienates ... I like that word.. alienate... it alienates the very people I'm trying to 'seduce' away from me. In short, the more I get, the less I enjoy it.

What's the answer?


I have been sooooooo wrong, about sooooo many things. And all my mistakes were ego-driven. Wanting to 'change' this and that... to my own advantage. I must wonder if I am still trying to do it, subconsciously.

Then the shit hits the fan and you start doing damage control and you realize you are at cause of all the shit that has happened. But not 'just' you. Everybody around you. From the Biblethumpers, Koran yelling, Baghavad Gita selling zealots, Kukulkan cultists, pedos, deoxities... Even the little snail that died last night in my hands.

What now?

Do good. Finds friends and exercise.

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